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Our Stance on Divorce

10 Jul

We have gotten a lot of emails at related to our posts. Most of them have affirmed our stance on gender difference. A preacher wrote to us and said, “this is straight from God’s Word.” Well, none of the four of us are preachers. But, we may just be onto something straight from the Bible in our way of thinking.

One writer misunderstood our intentions. Our attitude with our wives is not, “It’s my way or the highway.” We want our wives to be with us until we die. We want to raise our children in a two-parent home and keep our families together. Our goal is to maintian our families, intact so that our kids will have a place to come home to as adults, and some great parents to bring their spouses and children back to visit. And hopefully, by our life example, they will be great spouses and parents.

We hate divorce. We oppose divorce. We think families should stay together. Why?

1. We made a commitment to stay together at an alter in front of God, our wives, a preacher, and a room full of witnesss.

2. We take our role as husband and father seriously. We want to keep both of these worthy jobs and do them well. We want to grow and develop into the men that God would have us be-in our family, not single (if possible).

3. We believe that we can be successful in this endeavor and if not, we can make the adjustments necessary, while keeping our testicles.

I think it also helps that we have wives that understand their role, and ours. It makes a big difference in the order of our lives and our families. Each of us love our wives and our children. Not all of us are religious. Not all of us have been successful in prior relationships. But, all four of us are highly committed to keep our families together.

Keep Your Testicles!
